AI 101
This 2-month program will provide you with fundamental or advanced knowledge and skills in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This course is perfect for working students, software developers, technical managers, and any code-savvy professionals looking to expand their skills and excel in the rapidly evolving world of AI.
September–November 2024

The courses is led by a team of seasoned experts and practitioners, offering a comprehensive and immersive learning experience designed to provide a profound understanding of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Conversational AI. The program is tailored for individuals and companies aiming to advance their skills in these innovative technologies. This program is worth 12 ECTS.

Regular bird (until 30.09.2024) 1990

Download program introduction

Lectures take place:

September–November 2024

Dmitrij Žatuchin, PhD
Mikrokraadi juhtivlektorina integreerib Dmitrij õppetöösse üle 20-aastase kogemuse IKT-tööstuses ja ettevõtluses, teadustöös ning tarkvaraarenduses. Ta keskendub tehnoloogia rollile igapäevaelu ja ressursside optimeerimisel, viies programmi vastavusse kaasaegsete teadmiste haldamise ja andmepõhiste mudelitega, mis vastavad praegustele ja tulevastele tööstuse vajadustele.
Agata Wlaszczyk
A PhD student at the Technical University of Denmark
Karol Gawron
NLP researcher, AI consultant, Founder of
Michał Górnik
Seasoned data scientist, experienced in the industry and academia
Michał Jackowski
Professor of Law, AI and IT, Tech Advisor, Co-Counder of DSK Law, & AnyLawyer
Be sure to secure your spot soon. The group will be small to ensure personal approach and maximum outcome for every participant.
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